In a sudden decision, Government of India, also known as Modi Sarkar, reduced the price of LPG Cylinders by 200 Rupees across the country.
The price of LPG has moved between 905, when Modi Government took over in 2014 to a low of 477.50 in September 2016 and moving up to 1100 in October 2022, where it has remained since.
Government of India has been claiming that the LPG Prices are determined by OMC(Oil Marketing Companies) based on international prices. Even a cursory look at the graph below shows that prices in India are not a reflection of International Prices.

This goes to show that Modi Sarkar is now reducing the prices keeping the upcoming elections in five states and the General Elections in 2024. More such sops will be coming the way of voters as Modi Sarkar tries to win its third term.
Citizens can expect lower petrol and diesel prices as taxes constitute a major portion of price. The Government has been telling that the prices are dependent on international prices, while the truth is that Modi Sarkar has raised taxes every time there has been a fall in international prices thus keeping the retail prices more or less constant.
A united opposition under the INDIA alliance poses a real threat to the electoral victory chances of Modi Sarkar. The loot has to be put on hold for the time being, it can always be started again once Modi is back in power.
Modi Sarkar announced the reduction in prices putting paid to their own claim that OMC’s determine the prices. Also, it has not made it clear how it will now finance the deficit in taxes that will occur due to this reduction, what schemes will suffer, whether money will be raised through some other taxes and whether new money will be created / borrowed to fulfill the gap in tax collection due to these sops.
The Godi Media will not ask any of these questions, it will just go to town and celebrate the reduction and will tell you how this reduction is good for you, just like it kept telling you that paying high prices was good for the country.
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